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As per church, why should we need to thank God for the little things?

We all live in a world which moving too fast. Every day we do lots of things, meet many people. When we are facing a failure, dissatisfaction, breakdown, disruption, regret, etc. At our bedtime, we go to church at the house of GOD and pray to GOD to help us in our difficult times, but how many times do we thank GOD back after we survive our bedtime or in over good time? Statistics showed that 75% of parents are so busy that they do not have enough time to spend with their kids or themselves, not alone have time for devotions, and to thank God in the midst of it all. We know the busyness of life usually takes us away from acknowledging God even in the smallest thing of life. Sometimes we may even hear or feel the Holy Spirit tugging at us but we are even too busy to listen to the Holy Spirit within us. Do not worry we will help you find a way to thank or acknowledge God for everything He does for you daily.   Church says, "GOD gives us a beautiful life. We should manage some ti
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